Importance Of A Good Credit Score For A Home Loan

If you want to take a home loan, your credit score is a very important factor that determines your eligibility for a home loan. Credit score is determined based on an individual’s credit history. It is very important to maintain, a good credit score will help you secure any loan with quite an ease. The average credit score is said to be about 750 and anything below 750 is a bad credit score. A good credit score will get the applicant a lower rate of interest when it comes to home loan and also help you in getting a higher loan amount. If you have a good credit score, your home loan application will approve quickly and readily.

Best Tricks to maintain a good credit score!

Here are few steps listed below to maintain a good credit score for loan approval.
  • Make payments on loans and credit cards on time
  • Do not default on loans and credit cards
  • Keep your credit card balance low
  • Do not close old credit cards
  • Do not apply for multiple loans and credit cards at once
  • Maintain a balance of secured and unsecured loans
  • Opt for collateral loans whenever possible

Home Loan Balance Transfer

Home loan balance transfer is simple terms for the transfer of the unpaid balance of a home loan to a different financial institution. The interest rate on the loan is a matter of concern for everyone who decides to take a home loan. Home Loan Balance Transfer helps you reduce your EMIs & you can get additional top-up loans. You can use home loan balance transfer calculator to compute your savings, and your top-up loan eligibility.